When you employ email as a marketing tactic, you have a direct line to reliable leads who are most likely to convert. Though email marketing is one of the finest methods for attracting leads, one of the hurdles that come with it is determining the best time to send emails. The best time to send an email campaign depending on the target demographic is an aspect that often gets overlooked due to constraints and pressure.

Content strategists and paid marketing specialists focus on crucial components like the subject line, the recipient’s title and profession, and the size of the attachments. When you design an email campaign, you should send it when your audience is most likely to respond.

Did you know that consumers read brand emails for an average of 10 seconds and have an average of 18.39% open rate in the retail sector? Moreover, the open and click-through rates for government emails are the highest. So, you might be wondering when emails should be sent for maximum open rates. What time of day is best for sending an email campaign that guarantees engagement?

In this article, we’ll highlight the best time to send email campaigns, as well as discuss how fundamental it is to time them effectively and provide guidance on how to do so.

Best day to send marketing emails

Every email list comprises a diverse group of people with distinctive daily routines and human habits. You must comprehend the habits of your target market if you want to maximize your email open rates. This involves being aware of when you’ll be most successful in captivating their attention and inspiring them to execute the desired action. Finding the ideal day and time to send an email will be streamlined after you get to know the personas of your target audience. You’ll discover the optimum email schedule for your company through trial and error over time.

Due to email marketers’ desire to stay away from Friday’s itchy feet and Monday’s anguish, Tuesday and Thursday have historically been the most favored days to send email campaigns. According to MailChimp, the two most popular and best days for sending email newsletters are Tuesday and Thursday.

It is important to note that, whichever day of the week you select, you must take care to avoid overburdening your subscribers’ inboxes. If you do, your audience can become frustrated or disappointed and throw your hard work into the trash without even opening it.

The day of the holiday and the time your audience starts shopping should also be taken into consideration when planning holiday emails and seasonal ads. Moreover, establish particular timings for certain days of the week. The best time to send an email on Friday, for instance, would be between 10 and 11 am or at 2 pm following lunch.

It’s interesting to note that the optimal time to send an email on a Thursday would be between 1 and 3 pm since the user would be looking forward to the weekend.

Best time of the day to send marketing emails

In the realm of modern marketing, time is what makes or breaks your campaign. When emails are sent at the right time, subscribers can become loyal customers, whereas when they are sent at unsuitable times, unsubscription rates spike.

Generally speaking, it is best to send emails in the early morning or late at night as these are the times when recipients are most likely to check their inboxes. Emails can be scheduled to go out during these periods to reach as many recipients as possible.

Prior to selecting when is the best time to send mass emails, consider the following factors:

  • Who is your intended market?
  • How do they make a living?
  • What are the primary issues they face?
  • What does an average day in their life entail?
  • How can your products help them resolve these issues?

If you perform some research, you’ll discover that a lot of businesses advise sending emails between the hours of 8 and 10 a.m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays. This arises from the notion that many people read their emails before they start working.

Each audience is unique and might not fall within the conventional 8–10 a.m. window. Your target market may include nurses, doctors, or workers who work the third shift, so their ideal email time is at 10 p.m. rather than 10 a.m. There is no one perfect time to send subscribers an email blast.

After an hour of delivery, 23% of emails are opened. Then, after four hours, it decreases to 8%, and then, after a day, to 1%. Knowing when your subscribers are most likely to be online is essential to understanding when is the best time to send emails. This could occur at 11 a.m. on the weekends or during business hours. Schedule your campaigns away from the weekend and from peak hours.

best-time-of-the-day-to-send-marketing-emails best time of the day to send marketing emails 9084f023ca - Lifesight

Determining the best time to send email campaigns via A/B testing

In the context of emails, A/B testing refers to the practice of sending one version of your campaign to a subset of your subscribers and a different version to a different subset of subscribers with the ultimate objective of determining which version of the campaign generates the best results.

The complexity of A/B testing can vary. Simple A/B tests could involve sending out several subject lines to see which one produces more opens, while more complex A/B tests might involve comparing completely different email templates to see which one generates more click-throughs.

Identifying the email version that produces the best outcomes and enhances your email metrics is the goal of A/B testing emails. A “winner” is the version that displays favorable metrics like increased open and conversion rates. You must persevere until you achieve statistically significant results, which could take hours, days, or weeks depending on your business, sample size, and how the A/B test is carried out. Theoretically, you shouldn’t limit the amount of time you spend obtaining data.

Brands can discover the best time to send emails by examining indicators such as open rate, click-through rate, and conversion rate. A/B testing is an ongoing cycle that can assist businesses in constantly enhancing the effectiveness of their email marketing efforts.

Best practices for A/B testing

The success of your business hinges on how you execute email A/B testing and use data insights to boost conversions. You must therefore adhere to the right practices.

The following are the most crucial A/B testing recommended practices that many email marketers overlook:

  • The right research: Before running any tests, it’s crucial that you have a firm understanding of your customer base. This means knowing who your customers are, what they care about, and what their buying habits are. Once you have this information, you can start planning your tests and making sure that they’re targeted toward the right audience.
  • Set clear goals: Your goal is to understand the best time to send email campaigns. In order to gauge your progress and ensure that you are meeting your goal, make sure to keep an eye on the metrics associated with your campaigns like your open and click-through rates. This will give you a good indication of whether or not your campaigns are effective and when the best time to send them is.
  • Test one element at a time: When you are first starting out, it is best to focus on testing one element at a time. This will allow you to isolate the impact of each change and ensure that your results are accurate. Once you have a good understanding of how each element affects your results, you can start testing multiple elements simultaneously. While it may be tempting to want to test everything all at once, by taking a more phased approach as listed above, you can be much more confident in your results and avoid overwhelming yourself in the process.
  • Patience is key: A/B testing can be time-consuming – there are no two ways about it, but it’s worth it to wait for extended periods so that you can get accurate results. The best way to conduct effective A/B tests is to run them over an extended period of time, which allows you to gather a significant amount of data to draw reliable conclusions. What’s more, it’s important to be patient when conducting A/B tests. Rushing the process will only result in inaccurate data, which will in turn lead to sub-optimal decision-making. So take your time, and make sure you’re getting the most out of your A/B testing efforts!
  • Make sure the outcomes are statistically significant: It might seem alluring to choose a winner for your subject line A/B test depending on which email gets you the highest open rate. However, such a choice may or may not be wise. You should evaluate the statistical significance of the A/B testing data to make sure your conclusions are trustworthy. How likely it is that the difference between your control and test versions isn’t the result of error or chance is determined by statistical significance.
  • Make sure your subscriber sample size is adequate: To compare the effectiveness of versions A and B, choose a group of subscribers with identical interests, habits, and geographies. Testing your email by sending it to the wrong audience may not produce the desired results as diverse people have different preferences and interests, and can be at different points in their lifecycle journey.

When it comes to emailing customers or clients, most brands want to send them at the best time possible so that people will actually read the email instead of immediately deleting it or sending it to their spam folder. But how do you know when the best time to email people is? The answer is actually quite complicated and there are a few different factors you need to take into consideration before hitting that send button. When thinking about the best time to send your email, you should consider when your audience is most likely to be online and checking their inbox. For example, you’ll want to think about the time zone of your recipients, what day of the week it is, and what time of day people are generally free to check their emails.

Once you’ve considered your audience and what kind of message you want to send, you’ll also need to think about whether your message is time-sensitive. If it is, then you’ll need to send it at a time when people are more likely to act on it. For example, if you’re sending a message about a sale that’s ending soon, then the evening is usually your best bet to send it. If you’re just sending a general update or newsletter, then any time of day is usually fine.

There are quite a few factors to take into consideration when trying to determine the best time to send an email for your brand. However, if you make the effort to think about each one of these factors, you’ll eventually be able to pinpoint the best time that works for you and your business.

Using email automation to find the best times to send email campaigns

Email automation tools are a fantastic way to optimize your email campaigns by finding the best time to send them. By tracking when your recipients are most active and engaged, you can adjust your send time to match when they’re most likely to open and read your emails. This helps ensure that your messages are seen and actioned upon, rather than being lost in an inbox full of other unread emails.

Automated email marketing gives you the opportunity to increase sales conversions by a reasonable margin. It’s a method to provide readers with exclusive content, such as special offers on products or newsletter updates.

To rapidly engage with your customers, emails should be tailored to the information they want to view. Your emails should include information that your readers are interested in learning about, such as special offers, company announcements, or the launch of a new product or service.

You can also set up automatic resend times for those who don’t open your initial email, giving them another chance to engage with your content. This is a great way to make sure that your message is getting through to as many people as possible, and it can also help increase your open and click-through rates.

Moreover, email automation tools can help you segment your subscribers based on their behavior, allowing you to send more catered and targeted campaigns that are more likely to result in conversions. By understanding how your subscribers interact with your emails, you can tailor your messages to appeal to their specific needs and interests, increasing the likelihood that they’ll take the desired action.


Marketing teams that are worth their salt know that timing is essential to the success of any email blast campaign. Knowing the best time to send emails will help you design an effective email marketing strategy that gains new subscribers, boosts engagement, and tempts leads to convert. You can create a better email marketing campaign that encourages business growth and brand exposure by strategically timing your emails. Also, researching your audience and performing A/B tests to see what appeals to them the most is the icing on the cake.

The creativity of your content and marketing team is an important asset, but it can be even more powerful with the addition of data-driven insights. Learning from your target audience and understanding how to reach them is a process that you need to invest in. By collecting and analyzing data, you can give your team the ability to make more informed decisions and create content that resonates with your audience.


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