Discover how a leading gaming mobile app company, struggling with post-iOS privacy challenges and online signal loss, leveraged Lifesight’s Marketing Mix Modeling (MMM) to optimize their marketing strategies, resulting in significant business growth.

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Optimize your marketing spend and drive growth with data-driven insights.


  • Inaccurate measurement of marketing activities due to iOS privacy updates.
  • Over-investment in saturated bottom-of-funnel channels like retargeting and branded search.
  • Difficulty in assessing the true impact of top-of-funnel brand campaigns.


Lifesight integrated the company’s marketing, sales, and MMP data into a custom MMM, revealing the inefficiencies in their current marketing spend. By reallocating budgets to top-of-funnel brand campaigns across CTV and offline channels, the company achieved better business outcomes without increasing their budget.

Explore the solution in detail.


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