A leading electronics retailer in the U.S. faced steep competition and rising bid prices during the crucial Black Friday and Cyber Monday (BFCM) period. They struggled to optimize media spend across channels, missing opportunities. But, with the right data-driven strategies, massive gains were achieved.

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Unlocking Results with Lifesight's Predictive Forecasting & Optimization

Lifesight’s advanced analytics empowered the retailer to increase efficiency and boost incremental sales.


  • Rising bid prices led to inefficient media spending.
  • Inability to balance online and offline channel performance.
  • Missed opportunities to adjust ad spend in real-time for high-conversion moments.


Lifesight implemented a data-backed strategy, analyzing past performance and leveraging forecasting tools to optimize ad spending. Using predictive analytics, they fine-tuned media distribution across top-performing channels like TikTok and Google, enabling real-time adjustments and maximizing sales during BFCM.

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