Product Updates

Profile Insights: Events

Published On: 2023-07-25


View customer reviews under Profile Insights

As the world becomes increasingly digital, the need for businesses to have access to accurate and timely data on their customers has never been more critical. That's why we are excited to announce the launch of Profile Insights, a new feature that enables brands to access valuable data on their customers in one central location.

Profile Insights includes several tabs that provide brands with a comprehensive view of their customer's profile, campaigns, events, and reviews. With this feature, quickly analyze  customer's behavior and perceptions of the brand and make data-driven decisions to improve your products and services.

  1. Events: Events tab displays all touch-points a customer has had with the store or with the marketing communication, including placed order, viewed pages, email clicks, etc. This information helps businesses understand the customer's engagement with their brand and identify areas where they need to improve their strategies.
  2. Campaigns: Campaign Data tab displays all campaigns that have been sent to an individual profile and the metrics associated with them. Analyzing this data will help businesses understand which campaigns are resonating with their customers and which ones need improvement.
  3. Reviews: Reviews tab displays all reviews and ratings provided by a customer on the  products. This feature is particularly helpful for brands looking to improve their products or services by analyzing customer feedback.

Additionally, Profile Insights includes dropdown filters that allow businesses to filter all events, campaigns, and reviews. This provides flexibility to analyze data based on specific criteria.

For instance, reviews can be filtered by Time, Product, and Review Score, providing more detailed insights into specific areas of their business.

Learn more.

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