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Real-time sync through Webhooks: Data without disruptions

Published On: 2023-11-02


With multiple apps and digital tools out there, manual updates and compatibility problems are a cumbersome yet necessary part of the game now. While every business’s digital toolkit keeps expanding, and sure, there's the occasional manual tweak and the "this doesn't fit with that" hiccup, marketers have always found a way through, despite the manual overload. Reducing such hiccups, we bring you our latest feature: Custom Webhooks. Make your life easier with seamless, real-time data exchange and the flexibility your digital routine desperately needs.

Lifesight’s custom Webhook is a tool that transforms how you sync, integrate, and orchestrate data across platforms in real-time. It's tailored to let users flawlessly integrate their external data sources, define custom JSON schemas, and link event properties to global keys. By empowering users to funnel data to Lifesight through a Webhook URL, you can use your data to its best possible capability..

Real-time Data and Action Triggers

Webhooks typically are used to connect two different platforms. When an event happens on the trigger application, it serializes data about that event and sends it to a webhook URL from the action application. The action application can then send a callback message, often with an HTTP status code to let the trigger application know if the data was received successfully or not.

Real-time sync through Webhooks: Data without disruptions

Lifesight's server-side tracking offers a simplified setup, minimizing technical challenges. Webhooks, being event-driven, require fewer resources, always poised to respond immediately upon specific triggers, making them perfect for real-time data exchanges. Beyond just data transfer, Custom Webhooks automate tasks, offer instant notifications, streamline operations, and effortlessly integrate with major analytics platforms like Amazon Redshift and Google Big Query.

Catalyzing the shift to insight-led marketing

The Lifesight Custom Webhook allows you to track events that otherwise would have slipped through the gaps of manual operations. On implementing the webhook, you will see:

  1. Improved data accuracy: Server-side events are less prone to issues like ad-blocker interruptions. Therefore, by using webhooks, brands can ensure more accurate event tracking and, consequently, more precise audience targeting and retargeting.
  2. Optimized user experience: Instant feedback on user behavior, like which products are viewed the most or where users typically drop off, can help e-commerce platforms redesign and optimize for a better customer experience.
  3. Adaptive messaging: A successful digital marketing strategy relies not only on quality content but also on an adaptive, omnichannel content marketing system facilitated by enriched events. See a contact abandon a cart? Include them in that 20% off discount campaign to get them to place an order. Furthermore, the no-code approach ensures scalability, efficiency in data backup & recovery, and real-time communication, and boosts overall operational efficiency.
  4. Robust attribution: Webhooks enhance attribution capabilities, allowing brands to better understand the customer journey across touchpoints. This leads to more informed decision-making regarding ad spend and strategy on platforms like TikTok, Facebook, and Pinterest.

Not sure where to begin?

Real-time synchronization might seem daunting at first! Begin by identifying the key events and triggers that matter most to your brand. Understand the platforms you're looking to integrate and keep your end goals in focus. With Lifesight's Custom Webhooks, we've simplified the implementation process and outlined the steps for you. Our 24*7 support team is always a message away.

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Real-time sync through Webhooks: Data without disruptions

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