
Brand Lift measures the improvement in consumer perceptions and awareness of a brand resulting from a specific marketing campaign or activity.

What is Brand Lift?

Brand Lift quantifies the positive impact of marketing efforts on key brand metrics, such as brand awareness, brand recall, brand favorability, and purchase intent. It assesses the change in consumer attitudes towards a brand by comparing a treated group (exposed to the marketing activity) with a control group (not exposed).


Brand Lift = (MetricTreated – Metric Control / Metric Control ) X 100


A beverage company runs a TV ad campaign to boost brand awareness. Post-campaign surveys show that 70% of the treated group (who saw the ad) recognize the brand, compared to 50% of the control group (who did not see the ad). The Brand Lift is calculated as follows:

Brand Lift =( 70 – 50 / 50 ) X 100 = 40%

This indicates a 40% increase in brand awareness due to the TV ad campaign.

Why is Brand Lift important?

Brand Lift is essential for marketers to:

  • Evaluate the effectiveness of brand-building activities.
  • Understand changes in consumer perceptions and attitudes.
  • Optimize marketing strategies to enhance brand value.
  • Make data-driven decisions to improve future campaigns.

Which factors impact Brand Lift?

Several factors can influence Brand Lift, including:

  • Creative Quality: The appeal and relevance of the campaign content.
  • Audience Targeting: How well the campaign targets the desired demographic.
  • Media Channels: The effectiveness of the platforms used for the campaign.
  • Market Environment: External factors such as competitor actions and economic conditions.
  • Survey Methodology: The accuracy and reliability of the methods used to measure brand perception.

How can Brand Lift be improved?

To enhance Brand Lift, consider:

  • Compelling Creative: Developing engaging and memorable content that resonates with the audience.
  • Precise Targeting: Focusing on the right audience segments to maximize impact.
  • Integrated Campaigns: Using a mix of channels to create a cohesive brand message.
  • Consistent Messaging: Ensuring uniformity in brand communication across all platforms.
  • Continuous Monitoring: Regularly assessing brand metrics to identify areas for improvement.

What is Brand Lift’s relationship with other metrics?

Brand Lift is closely related to metrics such as ad recall, brand awareness, brand favorability, purchase intent, conversion lift, and ROI. It extends ad recall by assessing overall brand impact, measures change in brand awareness, and evaluates improvements in brand favorability. Additionally, Brand Lift helps determine how marketing efforts influence purchase intent, complements conversion lift to provide a holistic view of campaign effectiveness, and contributes to understanding non-financial returns alongside ROI.