Get answers to these questions using this template

Ad Spend & Performance Trends

  • How much have we spent on TikTok Ads over time?
  • How does our current spend compare to previous months?
  • What’s the trend in clicks and impressions over the past year?

Efficiency Metrics

  • What is our current CPC, CPM, and CTR for TikTok campaigns?
  • How efficiently are we generating engagement and conversions?
  • Are there specific days or months where ad costs spike?

Campaign-Specific Insights

  • Which campaigns or ad sets are driving the most clicks and impressions?
  • How does spend vary across different campaign types?
  • Are certain campaigns underperforming in terms of CTR or conversion rates?

Audience Engagement

  • Which creatives or ad formats are performing best on TikTok?
  • What engagement trends can we see across different ad placements?

Optimization Opportunities

  • Are we getting a positive return on ad spend (ROAS)?
  • Which metrics indicate areas for improvement in our TikTok strategy?
  • How do different campaigns compare in terms of cost efficiency and engagement?

How to use Tiktok Ads Dashboard template

1. Login to Lifesight’s unified marketing measurement platform.

2. Open the Analyze tab and go to the Dashboards section.

3. Click on Templates Library in the top-right corner.

4. Look for Tiktok Ads Dashboard in the template library.

5. Click Use Template to apply it.

6. Customize the template as needed to fit your data and insights.

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Get Started with Tiktok Ads Dashboard