Best Abandoned Cart Recovery apps for Shopify in 2024

It is no secret that abandoned cart recovery is essential for online stores. Abandoned cart recovery gives online businesses the chance to win back customers who were close to completing the purchase but didn't follow through. Doing so can significantly boost a store’s revenue and customer loyalty. This article highlights the best Abandoned Cart Recovery apps for Shopify. It provides an in-depth overview of each app along with its pros and cons. This information can help readers easily decide which app best suits their needs for their Shopify store. So, if you need an effective abandoned cart recovery tool for your Shopify store, look no further than this guide.

Abandoned Cart Messenger Chat

Abandoned Cart Messenger Chat

Abandoned cart recovery Facebook Messenger marketing Live Chat




Abandoned Cart Messenger Chat is the perfect app for shopify store owners searching for a powerful solution to recover abandoned carts and improve customer service. This app not only comes with a cost-effective abandoned cart recovery system, it also provides a platform to engage with customers right in their Facebook Messenger inbox. This innovative combination helps boost conversions and generates more revenue for your business.The key features of Abandoned Cart Messenger Chat include Facebook Chat & Messenger Chat, Abandoned Cart Recovery, FB Messenger Marketing List, Add to Cart Subscription Widget, Discount Code Widget and Sticky Discount Box. With this suite of features, shopify store owners have all the tools needed for an effective abandoned cart recovery system, as well as improved customer communication.

Abandoned Cart Recovery Email

Abandoned Cart Recovery Email

Abandoned Checkout Email Popup, Push Notifications, Spin Wheel




Abandoned Cart Recovery Email is a useful app designed to help Shopify store owners recover their lost revenue by retargeting shoppers who have abandoned their carts. Care Cart is an automated email marketing and web push notifications platform, helping to keep customers engaged with discounts and offers. With Care Cart, it is easy to set up and configure, allowing store owners to start tracking and targeting carts in just minutes.

ActiveCampaign Email Marketing

ActiveCampaign Email Marketing

Email marketing, automation, sms, lead generation, newsletters




No matter your business’ size, ActiveCampaign Email Marketing is an essential app for Shopify users looking to unlock the full power of email automation, SMS marketing and cross-selling. With ActiveCampaign Email Marketing, eCommerce entrepreneurs can convert one-time shoppers into loyal customers, increase conversions with abandoned-cart reminders, and more. The automation tools and insights this app provides means eCommerce businesses can save time, optimize marketing efforts, and create more satisfied customers.

Aument: Email marketing & SMS

Aument: Email marketing & SMS

Pop ups, Email marketing and SMS automations




Aument is an Email marketing & SMS app for Shopify stores that helps busy store owners to increase their store sales by implementing automated marketing campaigns. With Aument, store owners can easily reach customers at the right time with automated emails, SMS, pop-ups, newsletters, and seasonal campaigns. Aument provides a variety of features include Abandoned cart recovery, Campaigns, Pop-ups, Welcome flow, At-risk win back, etc. to help store owners boost their sales.

Carti Abandoned Cart Recovery

Carti Abandoned Cart Recovery

Send Abandoned Cart Recovery SMS & Emails to Boost Sales!




Carti Abandoned Cart Recovery is an app designed to help merchants simplify abandoned cart recovery. With Carti, store owners are able to automatically send reminder emails, SMS messages, push notifications, and Viber messages to help boost sales and recapture lost revenue. The app is designed to optimize recovery results with multi-channel messages, as well as help provide a complete cart abandonment protection solution. Installation and set-up of the Carti Abandoned Cart Recovery app is quick and easy. Carti is free to try out and charges additional fees depending on the size of the store.



Delightchat is Customer service and marketing tool for ecommerce brands using WhatsApp, Instagram, and other modern channels..




WhatsApp Marketing + Helpdesk is the perfect tool for businesses operating on multiple channels and needing customer support on them. This app from DelightChat is a must-have for any business owner who wants to improve their customer service, streamline customer operations and grow their sales. It helps boost customer engagement by helping teams respond quickly with templates and automations, send powerful WhatsApp broadcasts and marketing campaigns and recover abandoned carts. The access to the official WhatsApp Business API is also secured, helping users to get the green tick and verify their business.

FirePush - SMS, Web Push, Email

FirePush - SMS, Web Push, Email

Text marketing, push notifications for abandoned cart recovery




Firepush is an all-in-one remarketing app that guarantees increased conversion rates with an abandoned carts SMS & Email strategy. Firepush offers solutions to help capture would-be shoppers and improve conversion rates while reengaging shoppers. The app also facilitates automated email, SMS, and push notifications for promotions and cart abandonment. With Firepush, you can create promo campaigns and bring customers back to the store through direct connection via emails & SMS.

PWA & Mobile app ‑ Ampify

PWA & Mobile app ‑ Ampify

Installable Site, Push Notifications, Speed & SEO with PWA




Ampify is a powerful PWA and Mobile App for Shopify stores that helps business owners convert their store into an app, quickly and easily. This app offers an impressive list of features which include creating an app for your store with no coding required, recovering abandoned carts, providing offline browsing on the PWA, and more. It supports robust performance due to advanced caching and users can download the app right from their store's website without having to go through an app store. Ampify is available for free with a 7-day free trial available and pricing plans including a Free plan, Hobbyist plan and Company plan.

Smart Cart Recovery

Smart Cart Recovery

Earn more without spending a cent on marketing




Smart Cart Recovery is a powerful app for Shopify that allows merchants to follow up with customers who have abandoned their shopping carts. With the drag and drop interface and automated sequence of messages, shop owners can send personalized messages to the customers referring them back to their shopping cart. They have an easy to use Facebook Messenger integration that helps you supercharge your recovery sequence and send messages tailored to the particular platform. With Smart Cart Recovery, you will never lose money to abandoned orders again!

SMSGo: Abandoned Cart Recovery

SMSGo: Abandoned Cart Recovery

Recover abandoned carts via text message & SMS marketing.




SMSGo is an all-in-one SMS marketing, order notifications, cart recovery, and SMS upsell app. The app helps recover abandoned carts using automated SMS alerts that can be scheduled to send at specific intervals. It will help you recover lost sales and add discounts and deals to reconnect with customers. Re-convert carts quickly and free with the Abandonment Protector feature. As well as retarget existing customers to increase conversions, this app also allows you to send personalised SMS messages to customers to close sales, collect feedback and more.

Verify COD Orders & Reduce RTO

Verify COD Orders & Reduce RTO

Verify customer number & confirm orders automatically




Verify COD Orders & Reduce RTO App is a powerful tool that helps shop owners reduce the RTO (returns) of cash on delivery (COD) orders. It is a leading and trusted IVR from Hillteck, a global solution provider. With this app, customers can verify COD customers’ contact numbers with automated voice calls, as well as send automated WhatsApp messages to customers for abandoned carts recoveries. It also provides order confirmation and shipment tracking with a tracking URL. The app also allows customers to convert COD orders to prepaid transactions. With this app, shop owners can reduce NDRs and frauds with COD confirmation.

WhatsApp Abandoned Cart & Chat

WhatsApp Abandoned Cart & Chat

Automated Abandoned cart recovery. WhatsApp Chat widget.




WhatsApp Abandoned Cart & Chat helps Shopify store owners to easily recover their customers abandoned carts and increase their customer's engagement and conversion rates through automated WhatsApp messages. With this app, you can also easily integrate customer support with the WhatsApp chat button and share your store link with your customers across all devices. The app also makes it simple to automate order confirmations, shipping philtres, and COD verification. Furthermore, the app works with Loox Reviews and lets customers collect reviews, giving them the ability to offer improved customer service. With multiple agent support, out of hours support, and order CRM for WhatsApp Chat, you can also easily stay on top of your customer support team.

Whatsapp Chat + Abandoned Cart

Whatsapp Chat + Abandoned Cart

AUTOMATED Abandoned Cart Recovery via WhatsApp + Chat Button




The Whatsapp Chat + Abandoned Cart app for Shopify is a great tool for businesses of all sizes to easily connect with their customers and provide a great user experience. This app enables customers to chat directly with their customers on Whatsapp, allowing them to receive and respond quickly to queries, orders and other important enquiries. The app also provides powerful automated tools for cart recovery, order confirmation, tracking updates, and more. With the automated tools, businesses can quickly recover abandoned carts, ensure timely order confirmations, and provide up-to-date tracking information. It also allows businesses to create a customisable 'About Us' page, link Facebook Messenger, embed FAQs, and embed a sign-up form. Top 10

WhatsApp Chat Notifications

WhatsApp Chat Notifications

Share Order Confirmation, Tracking & Cart Recovery notifications using your own number!




The WhatsApp Chat Notifications App for Shopify makes it easy for businesses to stay in contact with their customers using the popular Whatsapp platform. It offers several features, such as a live chat button, automated order confirmation, tracking updates on WhatsApp using a custom number, and automated abandoned cart recovery notifications. Furthermore, the app is easy to set up and use, with no additional charges for sending messages. It also offers a 50-day free trial, so businesses can get started immediately.