The second quarter of the year is off to a great start, and it’s only going to get better with the suite of updates designed to enhance our platform, making it more intuitive, insightful, and impactful.

This round of release introduces advanced visualization for immediate impact assessment, refined budgeting controls, and more precision in your Causal Inference model. Let’s get into the details:

## Spend wisely with Smart Budget Modes

Take command of your marketing budget with “Smart Budget Modes”. This feature simplifies budget allocation, allowing you to automatically set up budget constraints with three strategic modes: Conservative, Moderate, and Aggressive.

This will help you automate budget utilization thresholds based on the nature of your campaign across platforms, instead of you having to set them up manually. Our Smart Budget Modes take your historic spend, seasonality, and ROAS trends into account to set the constraints — so that you get the best possible ROI from your budget.

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[Explore this feature in detail
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**Groups added to Rules & Labels ♻️**
This trio makes sense of the chaos by categorizing and tagging UTM parameters with ease.
Now with the newly added grouping feature, consolidate multiple entries under a unified category without altering their names. Custom rules now come with the added ability to group similar entries under a unified category. This means less time sifting through data and more time leveraging clear, actionable insights.

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**Lifesights unified measurement approach keeps getting better**

These updates are for keeping our approach to measurement sharp and forward-looking. With each release, we’re not just aiming to meet current needs but to anticipate future trends. Stay tuned for more powerful additions to Lifesight—we are working on bigger ones this time.